Exceptions Handling Interview Questions

1.    What is an Exception?

2.    Exceptions are defined in which java package?

3.    How we can handle Exceptions in java?

4.    Explain the Exception hierarchy?

5.    What is runtime exceptions or unchecked Exceptions?

6.    What is   checked Exceptions?

7.    What is difference between Error and Exceptions?

8.    What is difference between throw and throws keyword?

9.    Once the control switches to the catch block does it return back to the try block to execute the balance code?

10.  What happens if the exception handlers for the most specific exceptions is placed above the more general exceptions handler?

11   Can a catch block throw the Exception caught by itself?

12   What is need to have finally block in Exception Handling?

13   How we will create our own type of Exception?

14   If i write   System. Exit (0) in try block will finally block execute?

15   what are the methods of   Object class?

16   Name some common type of Checked and Unchecked Exceptions?

Exceptions Handling Interview Questions Exceptions Handling  Interview Questions Reviewed by Mukesh Jha on 2:38 AM Rating: 5

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